Esophageal Cancer Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

nursing diagnosis for esophageal cancer

Esophageal cancer begins when the cancerous cells invade the inner layer of the esophagus wall and begins to multiply, eventually creating a tumor. As the tumor grows, it can reach deep tissues, muscles of the esophagus, and the surrounding organs. There are two types of esophageal cancer, adenocarcinoma affecting the lower part of the esophagus … Read more

Diverticulitis Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

nursing diagnosis for diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is the inflammation or infection of the diverticula found in the intestines. The diverticula are little, bulging pouches in the walls of the digestive tract, often seen in the colon or the lower part of the intestine. The condition becomes more common with age, but it usually seen in men above the age of … Read more

Disturbed Sensory Perception Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

disturbed sensory perception nursing diagnosis

Disturbed Sensory Perception is a NANDA nursing diagnosis that pertains to an alteration in the response to stimuli, which can be either a weaker or a stronger response to them. The client may also have an impaired or distorted response to incoming stimuli, such as in the case of schizophrenia or other psychiatric disorders. This … Read more

Self Care Deficit Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

self care deficit nursing diagnosis

Self Care Deficit is a NANDA nursing diagnosis that defines a client’s inability to perform self-care on his/her own. Self-care involves activities of daily living (ADLs) that involve the promotion and maintenance of personal well-being. These self-care tasks include feeding, bathing, toileting, grooming, and dressing. A client may experience a deficit in the ability to … Read more

Hydronephrosis Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

nursing diagnosis for hydronephrosis

Hydronephrosis is a structural problem of the urinary system, where one (unilateral hydronephrosis) or both (bilateral hydronephrosis) kidneys become dilated and distended from the pressure, fluid buildup, and incomplete emptying of the urinary collecting system. Hydronephrosis is not a disease itself but a secondary condition from other underlying diseases. It can be acute or chronic, … Read more