Multiple Myeloma Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

multiple myeloma nursing diagnosis

Multiple Myeloma is a type of cancer that affects the plasma cells in bone marrow. It is a challenging condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach to treatment and care. Nursing diagnosis is an essential component of this approach, as it helps nurses to identify the patient’s needs, set goals, and develop an individualized care plan. … Read more

What Does NPO Mean in Nursing? Explained.

what does npo mean

If you are a nursing student or a healthcare professional, you may have encountered the term NPO. NPO is a medical abbreviation “nil per os,” a Latin phrase that translates to “nothing by mouth.” In nursing, NPO is a standard order given to patients who are not allowed to eat or drink anything orally for … Read more

What Does PRN Mean in Nursing?

What does PRN Mean

As a nurse, you may come across several medical abbreviations you may not be familiar with. One such abbreviation is PRN. PRN is commonly used in the nursing profession, and it stands for “pro re nata,” which is Latin for “as needed.” The term PRN is used to indicate that a medication or treatment should … Read more

Bowel Obstruction Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Bowel Obstruction Nursing Diagnosis

Bowel Obstruction (intestinal obstruction) is a condition wherein there is a blockage that prevents food or fluid from entering either the small intestines ( small bowel obstruction ) or the large intestines. Reasons for bowel obstruction may precipitate due to fibrous tissue development (adhesions) after abdominopelvic surgery; hernias; colon cancer; some medications; or inflammatory bowel … Read more

Hypertension Nursing Diagnosis & Nursing Care Plans

Hypertension Nursing Diagnosis

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a chronic medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. Nursing diagnosis is an essential component of hypertension management, as it helps nurses to identify the patient’s health problems and develop an effective care … Read more