Migraine Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

nursing diagnosis for migraine

A migraine is a type of headache that is severe and unrelenting in nature. It is usually characterized as a throbbing or pulsing on one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal discomfort, and light and sound sensitivity. The unilateral pain often spreads to involve the entire head. Migraine … Read more

Hypertensive Crisis Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

hypertensive crisis nursing diagnosis

A hypertensive crisis is characterized by an abrupt and severe elevation in blood pressure. The blood pressure reading can be as high as 180/120 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). A hypertensive crisis is a life-threatening condition that may result in cardiac arrest, stroke, or other potentially fatal health complications. Severe hypertension can harm blood vessels … Read more

Borderline Personality Disorder Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

nursing diagnosis for borderline personality disorder

A mental health condition called borderline personality disorder (BPD) affects how people think and feel regarding themselves and others, which makes it difficult to function in daily life. It includes issues with self-image, trouble controlling emotions and conduct, and a history of unstable relationships. Borderline personality disorder manifests itself commonly in early adulthood. It gets … Read more

Geriatric Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

geriatric nursing diagnosis

Caring for the elderly grows more complex as more people reach their senior years. Elderly people in the community setting are susceptible to serious physical and mental health problems. Socially, geriatric patients might have trouble surviving on their own and might need to move into a retirement community. Geriatric adults need to feel that they … Read more

Risk for Aspiration Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

risk for aspiration nursing diagnosis

Aspiration occurs when liquids, foods, or objects are swallowed, but enters the airways and into the lungs. It is often described by patients as swallowing something that has “gone the wrong way”, since the food or liquid goes into the respiratory tract, rather than the digestive system. The inhalation of food or liquid can lead … Read more