Constipation Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

constipation nursing diagnosis

Constipation is a common digestive issue that can cause discomfort and pain for patients. Nursing diagnosis and care plans for constipation are essential to improve patient outcomes and provide effective care. Nurses need to have a thorough understanding of the nursing diagnosis for constipation and develop appropriate interventions to manage the patient’s symptoms. Overview of … Read more

Nursing Diagnosis for Seizures: Assessment and Management

nursing diagnosis for seizures

Seizures are a common neurological disorder that affects people of all ages. It is a sudden and uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in the brain that can cause abnormal muscle movements, sensations, and consciousness. Sometimes a Seizure occurs due to various conditions such as head or brain injury, stroke, brain tumors, or genetic factors. Nursing … Read more

Pleural Effusion Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

pleural effusion nursing diagnosis

An unusual increase in the fluid in the pleural space will result to a condition called pleural effusion. Pleural effusion, if left untreated, will hinder with normal respiration and thus, could be life threatening. Some of the signs and symptoms seen in these patients include: shortness of breath, chest pain or chest tightness, dry cough, … Read more

Ineffective Coping Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

Ineffective Coping Nursing Diagnosis

Ineffective coping can be defined as the inability to make sound decisions due to the failure of assessing a stressful life event. The person may verbalize being unable to ask for help, find proper resources, and/or utilize problem-solving skills to manage the situation at hand. The person may also find it hard to meet basic … Read more

Activity Intolerance Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

Activity Intolerance Nursing Diagnosis

An Activity Intolerance nursing diagnosis that can be used when a person has difficulty completing activities due to fatigue, pain, or breathlessness. Activity intolerance may also occur when an individual has difficulty mobilizing due to weakness or stiffness. Nursing interventions for activity intolerance include providing rest periods, teaching about pacing oneself, and providing support and … Read more