Spinal Stenosis Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

Spinal stenosis is characterized by spinal canal narrowing, which can compress the spinal cord and nerve roots, causing pain, numbness, and mobility issues. This nursing diagnosis focuses on managing symptoms, preventing complications, and improving patient quality of life.

Causes (Related to)

Spinal stenosis can develop through various mechanisms, with several contributing factors:

Signs and Symptoms (As evidenced by)

Spinal stenosis presents with characteristic signs and symptoms that nurses must recognize for proper assessment and intervention.

Subjective: (Patient reports)

  • Progressive back pain
  • Numbness or tingling in extremities
  • Leg weakness
  • Decreased walking tolerance
  • Balance problems
  • Pain relief when bending forward
  • Difficulty with stairs
  • Bladder or bowel changes

Objective: (Nurse assesses)

  • Altered gait pattern
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Positive straight leg raise test
  • Decreased sensation in extremities
  • Muscle weakness
  • Diminished reflexes
  • Poor balance
  • Postural changes

Expected Outcomes

The following outcomes indicate successful management of spinal stenosis:

  • The patient will report decreased pain levels
  • The patient will demonstrate improved mobility
  • The patient will maintain optimal posture
  • The patient will perform ADLs independently
  • The patient will demonstrate proper body mechanics
  • The patient will avoid falls
  • The patient will maintain bladder/bowel continence

Nursing Assessment

Pain Assessment

  • Evaluate pain characteristics
  • Document pain triggers
  • Assess pain relief measures
  • Monitor pain medication effectiveness
  • Note the impact on daily activities

Neurological Status

  • Assess muscle strength
  • Check sensory function
  • Monitor reflexes
  • Evaluate gait pattern
  • Document balance issues

Functional Ability

  • Assess ADL independence
  • Evaluate mobility status
  • Check transfer ability
  • Monitor activity tolerance
  • Document assistive device use

Complications Risk

  • Screen for fall risk
  • Monitor bladder/bowel function
  • Check skin integrity
  • Assess nutritional status
  • Document sleep patterns

Support System

  • Evaluate home environment
  • Assess caregiver availability
  • Check social support
  • Review financial resources
  • Document educational needs

Nursing Care Plans

Nursing Care Plan 1: Chronic Pain

Nursing Diagnosis Statement:
Chronic Pain related to nerve root compression as evidenced by reported back pain rated 7/10 and decreased mobility.

Related Factors:

  • Spinal nerve compression
  • Inflammatory process
  • Muscle tension
  • Activity limitations

Nursing Interventions and Rationales:

  1. Assess pain characteristics regularly
    Rationale: Enables appropriate pain management planning
  2. Administer prescribed medications
    Rationale: Provides pain relief and improves function
  3. Teach positioning techniques
    Rationale: Reduces nerve compression and discomfort

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will report pain level ≤4/10
  • The patient will demonstrate effective pain management techniques
  • The patient will maintain the optimal activity level

Nursing Care Plan 2: Impaired Physical Mobility

Nursing Diagnosis Statement:
Impaired Physical Mobility related to neurological impairment as evidenced by difficulty walking and decreased range of motion.

Related Factors:

  • Spinal cord compression
  • Muscle weakness
  • Pain with movement
  • Fear of falling

Nursing Interventions and Rationales:

  1. Implement a progressive mobility program
    Rationale: Maintains function and prevents deconditioning
  2. Teach proper use of assistive devices
    Rationale: Ensures safe mobility and prevents falls
  3. Encourage regular exercise within limits
    Rationale: Maintains strength and flexibility

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will demonstrate safe mobility techniques
  • The patient will maintain optimal independence in ADLs
  • The patient will use assistive devices correctly

Nursing Care Plan 3: Risk for Falls

Nursing Diagnosis Statement:
Risk for Falls related to impaired balance and altered gait as evidenced by unsteady walking pattern.

Related Factors:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Balance impairment
  • Sensory deficits
  • Environmental hazards

Nursing Interventions and Rationales:

  1. Implement fall precautions
    Rationale: Prevents injury and maintains safety
  2. Assess the environment for hazards
    Rationale: Reduces fall risk factors
  3. Teach safety awareness
    Rationale: Promotes patient participation in fall prevention

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will remain free from falls
  • The patient will demonstrate safety awareness
  • The patient will maintain a safe environment

Nursing Care Plan 4: Self-Care Deficit

Nursing Diagnosis Statement:
Self-Care Deficit related to mobility limitations as evidenced by difficulty completing ADLs independently.

Related Factors:

  • Physical limitations
  • Pain with movement
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased strength

Nursing Interventions and Rationales:

  1. Assist with ADLs as needed
    Rationale: Maintains dignity while ensuring needs are met
  2. Teach energy conservation techniques
    Rationale: Maximizes independence and function
  3. Provide adaptive equipment
    Rationale: Facilitates independent self-care

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will demonstrate increased independence in ADLs
  • The patient will use adaptive equipment effectively
  • The patient will maintain optimal self-care ability

Nursing Care Plan 5: Knowledge Deficit

Nursing Diagnosis Statement:
Knowledge Deficit related to unfamiliarity with condition management as evidenced by questions about activity limitations and treatment options.

Related Factors:

  • Lack of exposure to information
  • Misinterpretation of information
  • Complex medical terminology
  • Anxiety about condition

Nursing Interventions and Rationales:

  1. Provide condition-specific education
    Rationale: Improves understanding and compliance
  2. Teach self-management strategies
    Rationale: Promotes independence in condition management
  3. Demonstrate exercises and techniques
    Rationale: Ensures proper performance of recommended activities

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will verbalize understanding of the condition
  • The patient will demonstrate proper management techniques
  • The patient will identify when to seek medical attention


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Anna Curran. RN, BSN, PHN

Anna Curran. RN, BSN, PHN I am a Critical Care ER nurse. I have been in this field for over 30 years. I also began teaching BSN and LVN students and found that by writing additional study guides helped their knowledge base, especially when it was time to take the NCLEX examinations.