Medical Surgical Practice Test 2 Reproductive and Urinary 25 Questions

Last updated on October 8th, 2021 at 09:54 am

25 questions including SATA questions to test your knowledge of the Reproductive and Urinary Systems. These questions do include rationales to help you pass your nursing school and NCLEX examinations.

#1. A chronic kidney disease patient who is having an arteriovenous fistula formed for hemodialysis is receiving health teaching. Which statement by the patient shows that he understood?

Answer:  “I can’t use the arm with the fistula for blood pressure checks.” Rationale: Pressure on the fistula can decrease blood flow, precipitate clotting, and damage the fistula.

#2. During the discharge process, a patient with chronic renal failure asks the nurse what type of food he is supposed to eat at home. The nurse answers:

Answer: Low protein, low sodium, low potassium

Rationale: Protein, sodium, and potassium are restricted in patients with chronic renal failure. Protein byproducts and potassium accumulate because of decreased kidney function. Sodium is restricted to control high blood pressure.

#3. A 7-year-old boy comes in the emergency room presenting with hematuria, proteinuria, and edema. Upon further assessment, the nurse finds out that the patient recently had a throat infection. The nurse suspects that the patient has developed:

Answer: Glomerulonephritis

Rationale: Most cases of acute glomerulonephritis are preceded by streptococcal infection, usually of the throat.

#4. The nurse uses an electrocardiogram (ECG) on a patient with chronic kidney failure. The physician immediately notes that there is hyperkalemia. The nurse knows that all except one indicate hyperkalemia in an ECG:

Answer: Visible U wave

Rationale: A visible U wave is a sign of hypokalemia.

#5. A 28-year-old paraplegic comes into the emergency room presenting with a pounding headache, bradycardia and hypertension. The physician diagnoses her with autonomic dysreflexia. The nurse explains to the patient that autonomic dysreflexia is a life-threatening complication of spinal injury. The nurse tells the patient that the most common cause of this condition is:

Answer: Bladder distention

Rationale: One of the causes of Autonomic dysreflexia is the obstruction of the urinary system or bowel.


Last updated on October 8th, 2021 at 09:54 am

Last updated on October 8th, 2021 at 09:54 am

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