Amlodipine Nursing Considerations

amlodipine nursing considerations

Amlodipine Nursing Implications Amlodipine Nursing Pharmacology Amlodipine is a medication that is used to treat increased blood pressure. High blood pressure is a condition that if left untreated may cause damage to a person’s brain, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and the person’s body parts. Damage to the organs may cause many conditions such as heart … Read more

Pantoprazole Nursing Considerations

pantoprazole nursing considerations

Pantoprazole Nursing Implications Pantoprazole Nursing Pharmacology Pantoprazole is a prescription drug used to treat certain stomach and esophageal problems (such as acid reflux). It works by reducing the level of acid produced by the stomach. This medication relieves symptoms such as heartburn, swallowing problems, and a chronic cough. It aids in the healing of acid … Read more

Vasopressors Nursing Considerations

nursing considerations for vasopressors

Vasopressors Nursing Implications Vasopressors Nursing Pharmacology Vasopressors are a class of drugs that increase blood pressure and promote tissue perfusion through vasoconstriction. These are potent medications that are widely used in critical conditions and medical emergencies involving severely low blood pressure levels such as in shock and during surgeries. Vasopressor drugs are mostly naturally occurring … Read more

Vasodilators Nursing Considerations


Vasodilators Nursing Implications Vasodilators Nursing Pharmacology Vasodilators are medications that widen (open) blood arteries. They affect the muscles in the artery and capillary walls, preventing them from constricting and narrowing. As a response, blood flows more freely through the arteries. Blood pressure also decreases since the heart does not have to push as hard. Specifically, … Read more

Hypothalamic Agents Nursing Considerations

Hypothalamic Agents Nursing Considerations

Hypothalamic Agents Nursing Implications Hypothalamic Agents Nursing Pharmacology Hypothalamic agents are a class of drugs that can release or inhibit hormones coming from the anterior pituitary gland.  These are drugs that affect the endocrine system, and can address various chronic diseases, such as diabetes and diseases related to sexual development and growth. Hypothalamic agents are … Read more