Antitussives Nursing Considerations

antitussive nursing considerations

Antitussives Nursing Implaications Antitussives Nursing Pharmacology Coughing is a protective reflex of the body in order to clear obstructions in the respiratory tract. It happens through the stimulation of the sensory receptors present in the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves that line the mucus membranes of the respiratory system (lower pharynx, larynx, trachea, etc.). The receptors … Read more

NSAIDS Nursing Considerations

nsaids nursing considerations

NSAIDS Nursing Implications Nursing Pharmacology Study Guide on NSAIDs Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are a group of drugs that reduce inflammation and pain. They are mainly used for arthritic disorders and musculoskeletal pain. We will discuss NSAIDS nursing considerations. Their effect on the cyclooxygenase pathways allows them to reverse the inflammatory process and the … Read more

Inhaled Steroids Nursing Considerations

nursing considerations for inhaled steroids

Inhaled Steroids Nursing Implications Nursing Pharmacology Study Guide on Inhaled Steroids Inhaled steroids are a class of drugs that are administered to facilitate the reduction of inflammation in the lungs. They are often prescribed to patients with asthma and other respiratory problems, such as chronic obstruction pulmonary disease (COPD). Inhaled steroids are under the group … Read more

Insulin Nursing Considerations

nursing considerations for insulin

Insulin Nursing Implications Insulin Nursing Pharmacology Guide Insulin is a medication used in the management of diabetes. In healthy individuals, the beta cells of the pancreas produce the hormone insulin which is essential in using and storing glucose. However, patient with diabetes require insulin shots to supply the body with this hormone in order to … Read more

Glucophage – Pharmacology for nursing students and nurses

Glucophage – pharmacology for nursing students and nurses Glucophage also known Metformin is a very common medication that nurses and nursing students give on all floors of the hospitals and other medical facilities. Glucophage is an oral diabetes medication the helps to control blood sugar levels. Glucophage is given to people with type 2 diabetes … Read more