Impaired Dentition Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Care Plan

Dentition refers to the arrangement, type, and the number of teeth in the mouth. Impaired dentition can occur for a variety of causes. For example, if a person has missing or damaged teeth or dentures that do not fit properly, their dentition will be affected.

Dentition can also impact a person’s quality of life in terms of beauty, self-esteem, food satisfaction, dental discomfort, infections, and general wellbeing.

Teeth play an essential role in digestion as well. Hence, research has established a link between dentition status and dietary choices; most foods that patients with poor dental health avoid are protective against cardiovascular disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, and several malignancies.

People who have lost their teeth also prefer foods that are easier to eat and heavy in saturated fat and processed carbs over high-fiber fruits and vegetables. 

In addition, the link between dental health and general health is crucial in one’s life. That is why proper oral health practices are critical to preventing tooth loss, particularly in older persons, who are also at high risk for systemic disorders associated with compromised dentition.

Causes of Impaired Dentition

There are numerous reasons why patients may develop impaired dentition, which include:

  • oral hygiene issues
  • infection in the mouth
  • dietary status of the patient
  • dental equipment that may not fit properly
  • caries or abscesses in the teeth
  • avoidance of dental treatment due to dentist phobia
  • as a result of trauma, such as sports-related injuries, attacks, or other concussions

All people of all ages may experience modifications in teeth, but some studies show several related factors to the impaired dentition. Moreover, here as follows:

  • bruxism (Grinding, gnashing, or clenching of the teeth)
  • poor oral hygiene, sensitivity to heat or cold
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • poor eating habits
  • a lack of understanding about dental health
  • excessive use of fluorinated chemicals
  • use of tobacco, coffee, tea, or red wine regularly.
  • the use of abrasive cleaning products
  • prescriptions for certain drugs
  • predisposition due to genetics
  • constant vomiting
  • financial constraints or a lack of access to professional care
  • loss of milk teeth at a young age

Signs and Symptoms of Impaired Dentition

A patient with impaired dentition may exhibit a variety of signs and symptoms. Among these are:

  • Tooth pain – extensive tooth decay causes tooth pain. Such decay has the potential to reach the tooth’s inner nerve.
  • Bleeding or swollen gums- Bleeding, swelling, or changes in gum color are all indicators that something is wrong with the patient’s oral hygiene. Long-lasting moderate swelling stipulates an irritant behind gums which could be a concern with gum health.
  • Alterations to the tongue- If the patient’s tongue’s texture or color changes, it is a sign that they have poor oral hygiene or their oral health is changing. 
  • Mouth dryness or xerostomia- A regular flow of saliva is necessary for maintaining the teeth clean. Dry mouth, poor dentition, or any medical condition are possible causes of Halitosis or bad breath.

These signs and symptoms may be minor and typically cause only temporary annoyance, but the best course of action is to consult a dentist.

Impaired Dentition Nursing Diagnosis

Impaired Dentition Nursing Care Plan 1

Dental Cavities

Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired Dentition related to tooth sensitivity secondary to dental cavities as evidenced by the unpleasant smell of the breath, swollen face, and difficulty in chewing.

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will know about how cavities occur and how to prevent them.
  • The patient will learn the proper treatment for cavities.
  • The patient will learn to recognize indicators of dental cavity complications.
Impaired Dentition Nursing InterventionsRationale
Educate the patient to limit the intake of sugary, starchy foods and beverages.Sugar exposure only causes tooth decay when there is an excess of cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth that can metabolize the sugar into enamel demineralization acids, and sugar is taken in large amounts repeatedly throughout the day.
Educate and encourage the patient to properly brush his teeth with fluoride.Weakening tooth enamel exposes the teeth to microorganisms that cause cavities. Fluoride helps in the remineralization of tooth enamel, preventing cavities and reversing early signs of tooth decay.
Demonstrate and encourage the patient to floss regularly.In addition to creating irritation, germs between teeth will eat away the tooth enamel, resulting in a cavity. Flossing will eliminate this plaque and help to avoid the growth of dangerous bacteria. Regular flossing is an excellent technique to inspect the mouth for potential cavities and swelling or redness.
Recommend to patients and family to have dental exams at least twice a year, as well as dental sealants to protect the top grinding surfaces of teeth.When it comes to dental health, everyone must be active and regularly practice visiting the dentist to spot any abnormalities early on before they become a problem. Moreover, the primary reason for obtaining sealants is to prevent tooth decay. Dental sealants can help prevent cavities for many years and reduce the risk of decay in molars by nearly 80%.
Recommend tooth extraction for severe dental cavities.Dental cavities will cause pain and inflammation; neglecting similar symptoms will result in further damages. If the damage is substantial after the dental examination, dentists will recommend a tooth extraction.

Nursing Evaluation:

  • The patient has learned to brush and floss his teeth properly. After several weeks, improvements were visible.
  • The patient understood the causes of dental cavities and decided to avoid sugary foods to prevent them.

Impaired Dentition Nursing Care Plan 2

HFM (Hand, Foot, Mouth) Disease

Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired dentition related to the impaired oral mucous membrane and skin integrity, imbalanced nutrition, acute pain, and the risk for infection secondary to HFM (hand foot mouth) disease as evidenced by dehydration, mouth sores, skin lesions, and decrease in immunity.

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient and the family will know how to improve the integrity of the mucous membrane and skin.
  • The patient and the family will know how to improve their nutritional intake.
  • The patient and the family will understand how to prevent infection.
  • The patient and family will be informed how to relieve pain.
Impaired Dentition Nursing InterventionsRationale
Educate the patient and carefully plan and carry out a mouth care regimen after each meal regularly.This will assist the patient in keeping his or her lips and mucosa moist, intact, clean and soft.
Keep an eye on the status of the skin around the wound of the patient.This will help assess the skin and note the best cleaning agent, the temperature of the water, and the frequency of cleaning of the affected area.
Encourage the patient to seek advice from a dietitian for comprehensive dietary recommendations and techniques for nutritional needs.This will help the patient to obtain appropriate body weight according to his age and height.
Demonstrate to the patient and family the proper way of washing hands. Also, educate the patient, family, and caregivers on the rationale and suitable procedure for maintaining isolation.This will help the patient and family the importance of preventing the risk and spread of infection.
Wherever possible, remove further stressors or sources of suffering; and select the best pain management approach.This will help assess the cause of pain and provide the best way to manage it.

Nursing Evaluation:

  • The patient adheres to the mouth care regimen and now obtains moist, intact, soft, and clean lips and mucosa.
  • The patient has been using suitable cleaning agents for his skin condition.
  • The patient has improved his overall nutritional intake.
  • The patient and his family are doing their part to stop the risk and spread of infection.
  • The patient has learned to sleep and relax more to manage pain, and he has been using the proper medication.

Impaired Dentition Nursing Care Plan 3

Periodontal Disease

Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired Dentition related to bleeding gums secondary to periodontal disease as evidenced by bleeding, inflammation, and gingival redness induced by periodontal lobe.

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will learn to assess if there are problems in his teeth and gums.
  • The patient will learn to adhere to a distinguished dental hygiene care plan.
  • The patient and family will evaluate the patient’s dental health and keep track of the results.
Impaired Dentition Nursing InterventionsRationale
Educate and encourage the patient to follow a personalized dental hygiene care regimen.This will help the patient be knowledgeable about the best and most effective oral care hygiene.
Advise both the patient and his or her family to consult a dentist.This will help the patient and the family understand the importance of a thorough check-up with a dental professional. It is also necessary for the early detection of any gums and teeth problems.
Demonstrate to the patient and his family appropriate flossing and brushing techniques.This aids in preventing and reducing the growth of germs that might cause infection in the mouth. The floss will assist in getting between the gums.
Inform the patient to undergo dental x-raysDental x-rays enable the dentist to see beyond the mouth’s tissue, such as the gums, and into the deeper parts of the teeth and jaw bone. This procedure enables the dentist to check for symptoms of oral health problems that might otherwise be invisible with a visual examination alone.
Suggest to the patient to undergo a less invasive procedure such as Scaling. However, it is only applicable if the periodontitis is not that severe.Scaling eliminates plaque and infections from the surfaces of the teeth and underneath the gums.

Nursing Evaluation:

  • After weeks of adhering to a personalized oral hygiene regimen, the patient has observed an improvement in the bleeding, inflammation, and gingival redness.
  • The patient has learned to consult a dentist to address the teeth and gums problems quickly.
  • After learning proper brushing and flossing techniques, the patient experienced reduced mouth infections.

Impaired Dentition Nursing Care Plan 4

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Impaired Dentition related to bone fragility secondary to osteogenesis imperfecta

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will learn to improve safety, modify the environment as directed.
  • The patient will learn to keep himself safe from harm.
  • The patient will know how to display healthy, well-maintained teeth.
  • The patient and his family will learn proper dental hygiene techniques.
Impaired Dentition Nursing InterventionsRationale
Educate both the patient and the family about the hereditary variables that contribute to osteogenesis imperfecta.Provide genetic counseling to the parents of a child with osteogenesis imperfecta to explain germline mosaicism as this is the mechanism causing some individuals with the apparent predominant mutation.
Encourage the patient to observe a healthy diet.This will help the patient to have enough calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus consumption, as well as proper calorie management.
Educate parents on putting their infant in the crib and managing their child to avoid injuries.This will help the family to maintain a safe environment for the patient.
Recommend laboratory tests to patients.Blood, saliva, and skin samples may be examined. Gene testing may also be included in the exams.
Educate the patient about dental procedures that can be done to manage the condition.Procedures such as tooth capping, braces, and surgery may be beneficial in treating Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

Nursing Evaluation:

  • The patient and the family have understood the role of genetics in osteogenesis imperfecta.
  • The patient has learned that a proper and healthy diet contributes to the management of the condition.
  • After adhering to the doctor’s recommendations, the patient has been free from injuries for several weeks.

Impaired Dentition Nursing Care Plan 5

Dental Caries / Tooth Decay

Nursing diagnosis: Impaired Dentition related to toothache and teeth sensitivity secondary to dental caries or tooth decay as evidenced by extreme pain or tenderness in the mouth, bad breath, and black spots on the teeth.

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will know the importance of proper brushing of teeth.
  • The patient will realize the importance of Fluoride in maintaining healthy teeth.
  • The patient will understand the negative effect of smoking on oral health.
  • The patient will appreciate visiting the dentist regularly.
Impaired Dentition Nursing InterventionsRationale
Demonstrate and encourage the patient to properly brush and floss his teeth every meal.Brushing is necessary since plaque begins to form within twenty minutes of completing a meal. At the same time, Flossing aids in the removal of food particles stuck between teeth.
Encourage the patient to reduce the intake of sweets and sugary drinks such as soda or sweetened tea.Bacteria live, play, and share the leftover food. Bacteria in the mouth begin to consume the candy, producing acid as a byproduct. This acid destroys the enamel of the tooth, resulting in dental decay, often known as cavities.
Encourage the patient to have frequent dental checks, and cleaning.Regular dental appointments are essential for maintaining the health of the teeth and gums. The dentist will examine the overall oral health during the dental exam and look for any problem areas. Moreover, during the cleaning, the dentist will remove any plaque and tartar buildup from teeth and polish them.
Suggest teeth crowns to the patient with extensive tooth decay.A crown is a custom-fitted covering that replaces the tooth’s whole natural crown. This procedure may be recommended for severe decay or weakened teeth.
Encourage the patient to consider root canal procedure to manage tooth decay.A root canal may be required if decay affects the interior material of the tooth (the pulp). Instead of removing a highly damaged or infected tooth, this therapy can heal and save it.

Nursing Evaluation:

  • After adhering to the dentist’s advice regarding proper brushing and flossing, the patient improves his teeth condition.
  • The patient started to limit his intake of sugary foods.
  • The patient and family are both knowledgeable of the dentist’s regular check-ups and treatment plan.
  • For several weeks, the patient reported a consistent oral care routine.

Nursing References

Ackley, B. J., Ladwig, G. B., Makic, M. B., Martinez-Kratz, M. R., & Zanotti, M. (2020). Nursing diagnoses handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.  Buy on Amazon

Gulanick, M., & Myers, J. L. (2022). Nursing care plans: Diagnoses, interventions, & outcomes. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Buy on Amazon

Ignatavicius, D. D., Workman, M. L., Rebar, C. R., & Heimgartner, N. M. (2020). Medical-surgical nursing: Concepts for interprofessional collaborative care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.  Buy on Amazon

Silvestri, L. A. (2020). Saunders comprehensive review for the NCLEX-RN examination. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.  Buy on Amazon

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Anna Curran. RN, BSN, PHN

Anna Curran. RN, BSN, PHN I am a Critical Care ER nurse. I have been in this field for over 30 years. I also began teaching BSN and LVN students and found that by writing additional study guides helped their knowledge base, especially when it was time to take the NCLEX examinations.

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